Making the Symfony PropertyAccess Component 84% faster
Kévin Dunglas (@dunglas), a Symfony core-team member, took a shot at PropertyAccess Symfony component with Blackfire and improved its performance by 84%.
Kévin Dunglas (@dunglas) is a Symfony core-team member.
PropertyAccess is used by 270+ open source projects. As defined on the website:
The PropertyAccess component provides function to read and write from/to an object or array using a simple string notation.
Aware of the slowness it used to suffer from, Kévin took a shot at it with Blackfire. He quickly figured simple caching strategies that made it possible to improve the overall performance by 84%!
His findings and work resulted in a PR on Symfony 2.8/3.0 which was soon merged.
Find out more in the article he wrote during the #FireUpMyMac contest.
Note: Oh, he publicly shared the profiles and used our oEmbed capacity (now natively supported by WordPress – no configuration needed). Have a look at one of the comparisons!