Balance Internet adopting in their Continuous Integration Workflow

By Christophe Dujarric, on Jun 07, 2016

This case study has been written by Mal Williams, Technical Director at Balance Internet, a Magento Gold Solution Partner located in Melbourne, Australia. As a Blackfire Enterprise customer since 2015, Mal and his team added performance testing to their regular development and deployment workflow, in the same way than they already did for unit and integration tests.

Their challenging context, described in the case study, made them a great use case to stress test Blackfire’s capabilities, and they were able to benefit from all of the Enterprise features. Balance Internet is an official Gold Blackfire Solution Partner.

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Happy performance testing,

Christophe Dujarric

Christophe is the Chief Product Officer at Blackfire. He's an engineer, but probably one of the least "tech" people in the company. He's wearing many hats, from product management to marketing and sales. He loves the beauty of simple solutions that solve actual problems.