Learn about Blackfire at our upcoming webinars

By Beau Simensen, on Oct 12, 2018

If you’ve been wanting to learn more about Blackfire or how to use it, you’re in luck! We’re kicking off a series of webinars to help people learn about Blackfire.

The webinars we have scheduled for October and November come in two flavors. If you believe you’ll get value from both, feel free to sign up for both!

“Introduction to Blackfire” is for non-technical people or people completely new to Blackfire. You’ll learn why performance matters and how Blackfire can help you.

“Getting Started with Blackfire” is a technical demonstration. You’ll see how to create and read a profile and learn how to use Blackfire to locate performance problems.

Please see our list of upcoming webinars to find a time that works best for you.

Beau Simensen

Beau Simensen (@beausimensen, beau.io) has been a professional polyglot programmer since 1998. He is a Technical Product Manager at Blackfire and is co-host of That Podcast (@thatpodcast, thatpodcast.io). An active open-sourcer, he created Sculpin (sculpin.io) and helped create Stack PHP (stackphp.com). Beau is a proponent of framework agnostic code. Unglue all the things!