Single-click profiling

By Christophe Dujarric, on Nov 21, 2017

Blackfire’s Chrome and Firefox extensions have always been the easiest way to profile your app. Open a browser, go to your website, and profile via the extension.

But there was still one more required action: selecting the right “environment“. That was essentially a matter of selecting the right server credentials, so that only authorized users can actually profile your app.

We made that easier: no need to chose. This single button experience will now save your profiles directly to the correct environment, plus to the new “My Profiles” list.

Not sure which environment you targeted anymore? “My Profiles” discards this. Wanted to make sure that the profile was shared with the environment’s collaborators? We’ve got you covered.

We hope you’ll enjoy it!

Happy profiling,

Christophe Dujarric

Christophe is the Chief Product Officer at Blackfire. He's an engineer, but probably one of the least "tech" people in the company. He's wearing many hats, from product management to marketing and sales. He loves the beauty of simple solutions that solve actual problems.