Welcoming Alexandre Salomé in the Blackfire team
We’re thrilled to welcome Alexandre Salomé as Senior Full-stack Engineer.
Blackfire is growing, and we’re proud to welcome Alexandre as a Senior Full-stack Engineer!

Introducing Alexandre
Alexandre is from Lille, in the north of France. He started development in middle school, and became a web developer in 2000. Early in the 2000s, he was doing design, frontend, backend, mails, DNS, SEO, and everything else about the “Internet” thing.
He lived 5 years in Paris, where he had the chance to work for SensioLabs. As a Symfony expert, he met many different companies all around the world.
He is a long time PHP and Javascript developer, and discovered many other languages and technologies during his career. He is also passionate about performance, security, and software quality.
Among those technical skills, Alexandre is also passionate about training and coaching. He loves to support users and leverage other developers.
Why joining Blackfire?
Most of the team at Blackfire are past colleagues, and I had a lot of pleasure working with them. Their kindness combined to their expertise makes them the most awesome team I could ever imagine working in. People at Blackfire work on one of my favourite topics: performance. During my career, it has always been one of my concerns. I gave conferences about it, and always worked with related solutions (caching, indexing, queuing, monitoring). Imagine the best team, working on one of your favorite topic, and you will understand why I’m highly excited to join the team!
Some of Alexandre’s missions at Blackfire
Alexandre works as a full stack engineer on our existing solution and on our future Application Performance Monitoring solution. Thanks to his full stack skills, he works on projects from the frontend down to the system.