Welcoming Jérôme Vieilledent in the Blackfire team
We’re thrilled to welcome Jérôme Vieilledent as a Developer Advocate.
Technology is for humans. And who best than a human to support other, and spread the love? We’re thrilled to welcome Jérôme Vieilledent as a Developer Advocate.

Introducing Jérôme
Jérôme is a well known eZ community member and has been involved in Symfony community since 2007. He joined eZ Systems in 2011 and initiated eZ Publish CMS switch to Symfony full stack framework (now eZ Platform).
Jérôme is also a speaker in PHP ecosystem conferences and as such presented one of the keynotes at SymfonyLive Paris 2019.
Why Joining Blackfire?
I joined Blackfire.io because I really think Blackfire is a must-have tool for every application. The role of a developer advocate is to help developers understand how they can take the most advantage of our profiler, and one of the my favourite things is to help people 😊. Plus the team is really amazing!
Some of Jérôme’s missions at Blackfire
As a Developer Advocate, Jérôme is all about spreading the love! His technical/development background enable him to talk as a peer to peers with our developer users. You’ll meet him at conferences, giving talks or chatting with the community at the booth. You’ll meet him at trainings, online and offline. You’ll read his tips and advices on performance management with Blackfire. And he’ll support you as a day-to-day user.