Share your Profiles and Comparisons

By Fabien Potencier, on Jan 12, 2015

Improving the performance of an application is difficult and our mission is to make it a little easier by giving you the right tools for the job. But even with Blackfire, you might have a hard time figuring out what to optimize first.

What about asking other developers to have a look at your profiles? As of today, it has become much easier to collaborate on profiles as you can easily share a profile with the world.

On a profile page, click on the share button (in the top right of the screen):


Blackfire copies the profile into a shared area so that you can safely communicate the URL to anyone. As shared profile are detached from their slots, you can reuse it to profile some other code right away.


Now, send the URL by email, or share it on social networks:


Of course, that’s just the first step. After working on improving the performance of your code, you need to profile again and compare both profiles to see the performance impact of your changes… and if you did a good job, you increased the performance of the code. Being proud of your work, you want to share the results with others, and that’s a very good idea!

Sharing a profile comparison with Blackfire is as easy as it can get:


You can manage your shared profiles on the new Shared Profile page.

If you share a profile or a comparison on social networks, don’t forget to use the #blackfireiotag and ping us on Twitter (@blackfireio), we love to hear from your experience.

Until next time, happy Profiling!

Fabien Potencier

Fabien Potencier is the CEO and founder of He founded the Symfony project in 2004 as he constantly looked for better ways to build websites. Fabien is also the creator of several other Open-Source projects, a writer, a blogger, a speaker at international conferences, and the happy father of two wonderful kids.