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Results for: Offers

Announcing changes to the “Profile all requests” feature on Chrome

Chrome Manifest v3 limits our ‘Profile all requests’ feature, forcing its removal from the Chrome extension. While we explore solutions, Firefox users can continue using this capability seamlessly.

By Thomas di Luccio, on Sep 05, 2024

Understanding continuous profiling:  part 3

Our journey behind the observability scenes ends with continuous profiling, the intermittent data collection of which offers a unique tradeoff between the quality of the information available and minimal overhead.

By Thomas di Luccio, on Jun 19, 2024

The art of time control: achieving excellence with Blackfire

Blackfire transforms the race against time in web app development by accelerating issue discovery and ensuring lasting optimizations. Let’s create the conditions to spend more time adding value to end-users rather than being stuck in endless bugfix cycles.

By Thomas di Luccio, on Mar 20, 2024

From stealth to spotlight: improve transaction identification with our latest feature

Our Top Transactions Breakdown feature charts the progression of the most influential transactions of your application, enriching Blackfire users’ comprehension of the context at play.

By Thomas di Luccio, on Nov 15, 2023

Demystifying observability: deterministic vs. probabilistic approaches

Blackfire for PHP and Python relies on a deterministic approach to observability. Let’s explore what this means and discover how it compares to a probabilistic one and how both could shape the future of observability.

By Thomas di Luccio, on Oct 11, 2023

Launching into continuous observability with Blackfire Monitoring: empowering developers with live actionable insights

Kickstart your continuous observability strategy with a 360 overview of your applications’ health. Blackfire Monitoring allows you to prioritize performance optimization by providing actionable insights based on aggregating key metrics.

By Thomas di Luccio, on Aug 02, 2023

Supercharge your Platform.sh experience with Blackfire’s new one-click activation

Discover the seamless one-click integration of Blackfire with the Platform.sh PaaS. Activate a tailored Blackfire subscription from your console, step into a hassle-free configuration, and focus on delivering unrivaled value to your end users in no time.

By Thomas di Luccio, on Jul 05, 2023

Unlocking the power of asynchronous PHP: Performance optimization with Swoole and Blackfire

Explore the opportunities and limitations of the paradigm shift Swoole introduces in PHP applications performance optimization.

By Thomas di Luccio, on May 24, 2023

Take full control of Blackfire Monitoring with flexible filtering

A new filtering feature allows for a more flexible way of exploring Blackfire Monitoring data.

By Thomas di Luccio, on Apr 26, 2023

Simplifying HTTP requests observability with Blackfire

Understanding and optimizing HTTP requests with Blackfire

By Thomas di Luccio, on Dec 13, 2022