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Upcoming Changes: Timeline and Reference Profiles

1.0 is just around the corner with a new Timeline and what we call Reference Profiles.

By Fabien Potencier, on Jul 24, 2015

SQL Queries Comparison

Blackfire tells you the evolution of SQL queries between two profiles.

By Fabien Potencier, on Jun 11, 2015

Phansible gets Blackfire support

Phansible now supports Blackfire.

By Fabien Potencier, on Jun 04, 2015

HTTP Calls and SQL Queries

The Blackfire Enterprise Edition gives you more detailed information about HTTP calls and SQL queries happening in your code.

By Fabien Potencier, on May 27, 2015

JSON Output for Profiles

The Blackfire CLI tool supports a JSON output to ease the integration with other tools

By Fabien Potencier, on May 19, 2015

HHVM and Hack Support

Did you know that Blackfire supports HHVM and Hack out of the box? Let see how you can make it work very easily.

By Fabien Potencier, on May 18, 2015

Blackfire on cloudControl

Blackfire is now available on the cloudControl Add-on Marketplace.

By Christophe Dujarric, on May 06, 2015

Ansible and Puppet Support

Thanks to our great community, Blackfire is now supported by Ansible and Puppet.

By Fabien Potencier, on May 05, 2015

How Blackfire leverages Docker

Recently at the Symfony Live Paris conference, we’ve been asked several time how we use Docker, this is our detailed and technical answer.

By Tugdual Saunier, on Apr 28, 2015

Improving WordPress Translation Performance

Learn how to significantly improve the performance of any non-English WordPress installations.

By Tristan Darricau, on Apr 22, 2015