While celebrating Christmas and soon New Year’s Eve, the Blackfire team have been working on improving your profiling experience.
Besides the big announcements we have made in the last two weeks, the whole team has been hard at work to tweak the platform to make it more flexible.
Blackfire started by providing an easy way to profile web pages. Today, we introduce new ways to easily profile CLI scripts and API or web services calls.
You can now sign up for Blackfire Profiler using GitHub and Google accounts.
Blackfire comes pre-installed on Heroku, Platform.sh, and fortrabbit containers; profiling is a click away on those platforms.
Composer got a huge performance boost last week thanks to the disabling of the garbage collector. Blackfire now displays a bunch of information about the PHP garbage collector calls to help you understand what’s going on in your PHP code.
We’ve been working hard on Blackfire Profiler for several months now. Participate in the public beta, try out this new generation of profiling tools, for free, and give us your feedback.